Fitness Quotes for Women to Motivate and Inspire

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Sometimes you need a little motivation to get to the gym or push through those last few reps. As women, we face our own unique challenges when it comes to fitness, from battling stubborn body image issues to overcoming feelings of intimidation in the weight room. That’s why a powerful quote from someone who’s been there can give you the inspiration you need to keep going. In this article, we’ve collected some of the best fitness quotes just for women – words of wisdom to give you that extra dose of girl power when you need it most. Whether you’re struggling with a fitness rut or looking to get pumped for a tough workout, these motivational sayings from female athletes, trainers, and other influencers will stir your spirit and energize your body. Get ready to feel seriously inspired.

Top 10 Motivational Fitness Quotes for Women

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

When it comes to your fitness quotes for women, push yourself outside your comfort zone. Try a new class, add extra weight, go for an extra 10 minutes. You’ll build confidence and strength.

“Sweat is fat crying.” —Unknown

Remember why you’re pushing so hard. Sweat equals progress. Think of your workout as a battle against your excuses and limitations. You will win.

“Do it now. Sometimes ‘later’ becomes ‘never.’” —Unknown

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Your health and fitness goals won’t wait for the perfect time. Make time for them now and turn them into a habit.

“Train insane or remain the same.” —Unknown

If you want different results, you have to try different things. Increase your speed, add an extra set, run an extra mile. Continuous progress requires continuous effort.

“Strong is the new sexy.” —Unknown

Forget unrealistic societal beauty standards. Health and strength are what really matter. Focus on being your best self by challenging your body and mind.

“Sore today. Strong tomorrow.” —Unknown

Remind yourself that the discomfort you feel during your workout will pay off. You’re tearing down muscle to build it back up stronger. Push through – the reward is worth the effort.

“No excuses.” —Unknown

It’s easy to come up with reasons not to work out. But you’ll never achieve your goals that way. Make your health a priority and don’t let anything stop you. You owe this to yourself.

“Do something today your future self will thank you for.” —Unknown

Imagine how proud and confident you’ll feel if you stick with your routine and achieve your goals. Let that motivate you on days you lack inspiration. Your future self will appreciate your dedication.

“Strong women lift each other up.” —Unknown

Surround yourself with a community of women who share your goals and priorities. Their support can help keep you accountable and motivated. Together, you’ll all become stronger.

5 Inspiring Fitness Quotes From Female Athletes

“Forget your limits, go for your dreams.” — Hope Solo

As a champion soccer goalkeeper, Hope Solo knows a thing or two about persevering against all odds. This inspiring quote reminds us that in fitness, like in life, the only limits are the ones we set for ourselves. Dream big and never stop pushing to achieve more.

“Being an athlete is about overcoming obstacles.” — Allyson Felix

Allyson Felix, the most decorated American track and field sprinter, understands that fitness is about facing challenges head-on. Whether it’s one more rep, one more lap, or one more mile, athletes commit to overcoming obstacles through hard work and dedication. Her words inspire us to adopt a growth mindset in our fitness journeys.

“Don’t put limitations on yourself. Dream and believe that you can achieve bigger and better things.” — Serena Williams

As one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Serena Williams is a shining example of how believing in yourself and your abilities can take you to the top. Her advice to dream big reminds us that we should never put a cap on what we can achieve in our fitness goals and pursuits. The sky is the limit if we believe in ourselves.

These female athletes overcame immense challenges to reach the top of their sports. Their inspiring words remind us that we should dream big, push past obstacles, and believe in our abilities. No matter what fitness goals you may have, you have the power to achieve them. All it takes is motivation, perseverance, and a growth mindset. Now go out there and never stop pushing yourself further!

How to Use Fitness Quotes to Stay Motivated

Fitness quotes can inspire you and keep you motivated to push through tough workouts or stay on track with your goals. Post them on your mirror, share them on social media, or just read through them when you need an extra boost of motivation.

Find Quotes That Speak to You

With so many great fitness quotes out there from accomplished athletes, trainers, and other inspirational figures, you’re sure to find some that resonate with you. Maybe a quote about perseverance from Muhammad Ali or Serena Williams motivates you. Or a simple but powerful quote like “Sweat is fat crying” from an unknown author gives you the motivation you need. Choose quotes that inspire you to get active and achieve your goals.

Share and Spread the Motivation

Post your favorite fitness quotes on social media, share them with friends, or start a group chat dedicated to sharing motivational messages. Helping others stay motivated will, in turn, help keep you on track. You can even create fitness quote images to share on Instagram or Facebook. Spreading positive motivation and inspiration is a great way to build community support for health and fitness goals.

Review Regularly for Continuous Motivation

Don’t just read through a list of fitness quotes once and forget about them. Revisit your favorites regularly, especially on days when you’re struggling to find motivation. Those powerful words of encouragement can give you the boost you need to lace up your sneakers and get your workout done. Keep a list on your phone or in your workout journal so you always have access to motivation when you need it most.

Staying motivated to work out and achieve fitness goals isn’t always easy. But surrounding yourself with inspiration from others who have been where you are can help keep you on the path to success. Fitness quotes are an simple but effective way to stay motivated and power through challenges. Find your inspiration and share it with others—together you can motivate each other to reach new heights.


You go girl! You have all this fitness motivation swirling around inside you now. Take that inspiration and turn it into action. Make the commitment to yourself to get moving and make fitness a priority. You’ve got this! Start small if you need to. Even 10 minutes a day will lead to big results over time. The journey begins with a single step, so start stepping. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be striding confidently towards your goals. You are strong. You are powerful. You are unstoppable. Time to get up and get going on your fitness journey!

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