Gas crisis looms as line pressure

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PakistanTimesNews pieces from the Pakistan Times and other magazines The system line pack of the country produces 5.070 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd), which currently places a significant burden on the state’s gas transmission infrastructure. Since then, there has been a noticeable rise in tension.

The industrial and electrical industries’ growing reliance on LNG, or liquefied natural gas, as a fuel source explains much of this. This is mostly the cause of this. Even with the official end of summer, Sui gas providers continue to sell expensive RLNG to the domestic market. The goal of this movement is to decrease the pressure that is placed on the line pack. This is an attempt to lessen the strain that the action causes on the line pack.

Linkage of Sui Gas

There are several reports and tidbits of data available regarding gas.
As a direct result, senior Ministry of Energy officials predict additional nationwide gas price increases. This is the current situation because of the particular circumstances. According to officials, “The gas transmission system can burst at any time, exposing the nation to a gas and electricity crisis, if the gas volume increases beyond this limit.” Moreover, there is always a chance that the gas transmission system will blow up. The potential for a gas transmission line explosion at any time is another consideration. “This could put the nation in danger of a crisis.” “The maximum gas volume in the pipeline is 4,500 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd).”

The line pack broke through the dead level over the Eid break and peaked in the last week of March 2024 at 5.003 bcfd. It has never reached a higher point than this one. Over the course of the three days that made up the Eid break, the line pack reached its peak position. The line pack had been gradually rising above the dead level for some time when this occurred. Every day, the residential sector receives fifty to one hundred milliliters of RLNG pumped through the flow rate. This is done so that the opportunity presented by the reducing line pack pressure is completely used. The purpose of this process is to make the most of the opportunities that the current situation presents. 150–250 mmcfd of the flow were expected to go to the residential sector at the beginning of the planning phase. This served as the initial approximation. That was the original plan.

Sui gas

It is certainly true that the system becomes extremely sensitive when the pressures inside the line pack exceed five bcfd. That is how things are. That this is the case is accurate. The authorities claim that it is easier for Sui Company to transfer RLNG to the residential sector as summer approaches and gas is no longer needed for heating in the two federating units that were previously indicated. This is a result of the decline in the demand for gas for heating. This is the state of affairs in Sindh and Punjab, even though domestic gas demand has drastically decreased as summer approaches. Sui Company did come to the conclusion that moving RLNG to the domestic sector would be less challenging, even though this was the final choice.

To compensate for the RLNG diversion, Gas Sui Domestic customers must pay a significant premium for their service. This happened as a result of the RLNG diversion. This is how the events that took place came to pass. The issue is that, in order to reach its 2023–2024 income target of Rs902 billion, the government just needed to raise Rs701 billion during the current fiscal year.


However, as of right now, this is the truth that has surfaced. In order to do this, the administration has already raised gas prices by 193 percent. To achieve the goal, this increment was put into place. The estimated 232 billion rupees in expenditures associated with this LNG diversion are the customers’ responsibility. This is so because the associated costs are borne by the customers.

Sui Northern is still diverting RLNG despite these expressed concerns in order to lighten the load on line packs. Sui Company adheres to this guidelines. Prominent supporters of the petroleum sector have voiced their dissatisfaction of this approach. Since regular gasoline costs Rs 4,200 per litre, many affluent households choose to buy it rather than the less expensive RLNG. RLNG is still less expensive per litre than conventional gasoline, even at Rs 3,700. Furthermore, RLNG is less costly than gasoline. This is a really noteworthy benefit.

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